Saturday, August 14, 2010

Picking the Wrong Examples

I quite frequently read fairly absurd things on This is one of the more obvious examples.

Once in a great while, there is hope for the human race. At a sporting event, the security guards used excessive force on an overzealous fan who went onto the playing field. After a short while, many fans in the stadium not only recognized the outrageousness of the guards’ abuse, they decided to come to the rescue of the fan.

I replied thus:

While I believe the force was excessive, I fail to see what great hope there is.

Unless you possess more information that provided in the video. Was the stadium private property? Were the guards hired by the lawful property owner to defend their property and assure the safety of the players? Even if you want to cheer the fan's defending someone against excessive force (whether you are recognizing excessive private force or you believe this to be unjust government force) how can you justify the fans then trespassing past the point of the rescue and then themselves assaulting someone.

You see hope. I see a vast majority of people who just wanted to run wild. Only a few probably took true initiative on the initial situation. You see an overzealous fan. I see an unlawful trespasser on private property. The only part it would seem we agree on is that the nightstick use was unnecessary.

Too many on pick marginal cases to demonstrate liberty and the principles of freedom. It demeans both.

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