Sunday, June 08, 2008

Do They Think Before They Write?!

Sometimes I am embarrassed that I have to share my libertarian leanings with inferior minds such as this... (article).

June 07, 2008 "Obama is Unelectable" Posted by Stephen Carson at June 7, 2008 10:38 PM Now that we know that Obama will indeed be running against McCain, I am thinking about what John Dvorak said in passing once on TWiT. (Paraphrasing) "The next president will be a Republican, I've been saying that for months. Clinton and Obama are both unelectable." The only reason I pass this on is that as soon as I heard it, it sounded exactly right. Dvorak didn't elaborate at the time (though see here) and I haven't been able to find him explaining elsewhere what he meant. But just think about the American electorate... Not the one you wish for, but the one we've got. Now picture them picking a lefty professorial type over a "war hero". I'm not saying what I want to be true, just saying: "Brace yourself".

Yeah... the American people would never vote against a 'War Hero'... oh, except they voted against Bush the 1st who not only had a distinguished enough war record but also waged what was viewed as a very successful war... and who did they vote for? Someone they viewed as a draft dodger...or the vote against Kerry in favor of Bush II? Now obviously someone could argue that Kerry put out a lefty professorial vibe... but he was the decorated war veteran... and the argument entirely falls apart with Bush I... Frat boy draft dodger defeats 'war hero'...geez... do you all think before you write...

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