Sunday, May 04, 2008

Book Review #1

One thing I certainly do a great deal of is read. I tend to do a lot of Sci-Fi and Fantasy reading, but recently I have been engaged more with culture, politics and history. Seemed reasonable to let others know my thoughts on the books that I have read... so here goes.

The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day

My first encounter with the new atheist movement came primarily from commentators on Vox Popoli. I had encountered people of the atheist bent in my personal life, but they lacked nearly so much stridency and it seemed fairly obvious that they were mostly angry at parents and personal circumstances. They also were in no way posing as intellectuals so it seemed harmless enough. However, it has become quite apparent that besides the entertainment portrayal of those of faith as boobs, dullards and hate mongers there is now another group that seems to spend its days fuming about perceived theocractic and historical injustices committed by particularly by those of the Christian faith. Any argument with this crowd is instantly dismissed as being done by people who suffer the mental disorder of faith and are not qualified to speak and unworthy of being heard. Into this 'debate' comes Vox Day.

Vox Day decided to engage the atheist 'intellectual' leaders on their own perceived turf of rationality and evidence. To give a more fair review it would be better if I had read the original texts that he is commenting on, but the arguments he debates and debunks are common enough to have been heard through other sources (ie Religion causes war).

Vox Day writes in a pretty engaging style. It is not dull which is a risk that books on social issues, culture and history take. His approach to the debate is admittedly combative and treats the New Atheist movement with little more respect than they treat those of faith.

For those looking to debate an atheist without relying on the obviously losing argument of theology and personal revelation this book provides the ammunition. It should be noted however that the New Atheists and their ilk being less than the rational people they advertise have opted not to engage in debates on this book. But perhaps, in smaller groups and crowds it will give you a few talking points to hold your own and convince those more on the fence who are less strident that while there may or may not be a God... atheists ARE asses and are NOT rational.

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