Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Book Review #2

Day of Reckoning by Patrick J. Buchanan

Of all the political columnists and commentators I enjoy, I believe Pat Buchanan tops the list. I have read several of his books and many of his columns and all of them I have found them all worthy of the time and mental engagement. Pat Buchanan combines readability, historical perspective, cultural understanding, facts and religious insight into his works. More than any other writer his thoughts challenge some of the economic beliefs that I tend to gravitate towards as a libertarian minded person.

Mr. Buchanan's current work seems to be a culmination of several of his prior ones. Where before he lays out problems as he sees them, in this one he postulates that we have slept too long at the wheel and now all that is left to do is succumb to the inevitable consequences of so many errant policies and actions.

Across the board of economics, foreign policy, culture, immigration and demographics, Mr. Buchanan demonstrates how America and Western Civilization is being ripped apart and irrevocably changed and weakened. While his opinion has often acted in the role of Cassandra, it is hard to argue with the information he presents to make his case. One can only hope that he is wrong... one can only fear that he is right.

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